
Do you know the recipe to a great event? Unique ideas, being on the same wavelength as your help/team, and a good chunk of spending money and/or grinding to really make it work.

I love bringing people together, and ensuring it's interesting enough to leave a lasting impression. Be that through introducing new people, raising a good chunk of money and awareness for a local charity or cause or just some good fun.

For a long time I've done these things off of my own back, recently, I’ve received money for an event I proposed and it definitely makes a world of difference - by reducing the pressure of the value of my own time (the bank doesn't care if you're a good person), by having the right resources within reach and marketing spend.

Events are great for the community, we all want to have a good time, and visitors from out of town want the same which means a bit of cash injection for the town, maybe even your next long distance relationship which will eventually move said love interest in to your place and we have a new local. When the money is there, paying for peoples skills, and services to help you make the event you dream of. If you have an epic idea, a few connections and want to have a yarn I'm always keen on throwing some ideas and people to talk to in the mix with you.

I've listed a few here, if you would like to be on the list then reach out!

Who to call

The local legends who can help you make your event great

VEnture Timaru

Venture Timaru are the official Timaru District Development and Tourism Agency.

They are tasked with executing great initiatives for our local producers, attracting workers, supporting you with your new idea or existing business, and event support like promotion and funding!

They put a huge amount of work in to promoting the district for business and events. Funding can be applied for if your event meets criteria, and they are also well informed to connect you with the right people for the success of your event.


There are a lot of funding options available to help you achieve your goals. Not only for hosting an event, but for support of your sports team, personal development, community initiatives, creative outlets etc.

From time to time the South Canterbury Funders Forum (Look them up on Facebook) will host an event which allows you to meet the representatives from the funders.

Click the link below to see a comprehensive list of funders and their criteria, main contacts etc. Click on the map when you get there, and an up to date PDF will be shown.

design and marketing

There is a lot to cover here - best you pick up the phone or send me a message to help you find the right people for the job.

Alternatively, a Google search of design, printing, advertising etc and you'll find all the right people you need.

If your event fits the criteria, your event could be advertised on the Digital Billboards for free!

lights + audio + Video

If your event requires a BIG sound system,

Photo and video

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